ABAW Giveaway: Bad Mother

I have an extra copy of Bad Mother: A Chronicle of Maternal Crimes, Minor Calamities, and Occasional Moments of Grace by Ayelet Waldman. I read this book last year and wrote about it here. Waldman is bravely honest, brash, funny, and heartbreaking, sometimes all at once.
Waldman sent me this book in a twitter contest last year. I want to pass it along. I want to give this book to someone else now, maybe even to YOU.
Drop me a comment below if you think I should send it to you. You don’t have to be a GOOD mother or a BAD mother. You don’t even have to be a mother at all. Just tell me you’d like to read the book, and I’ll choose a winner at random.
One entry per person. Begging and flattery are fine, but they won’t make the result any less random.
I’ll take entries from now until midnight on January 31, 2011.

Reader Comments (7)
I'd love a chance to read this book if Canadians may enter.
I'll take it on a country by country basis, ikkinlala. Canada: YES! Enter all ye Canadians.
I'd love to read it.
Yes, but, Is it sad? I don't "do" sad. If no tears of sadness or loss were involved in the reading of this book, then I'll throw my hat into the proverbial ring.
Also, my name's not in it, right? Like, listed in the "BAD MOTHER'S APPENDIX A" or something? 'Cause that would qualify as "sad".
Amy, is "moving" ok? Is "dammit parenting is sometimes stupid and frustrating" acceptable? How about "controversial," as in, "we don't all parent the same way" and "shut up, I actually like my husband"? No, your name's not in it. At least not last time I checked. Oh wait, there is some loss. But since they are essays, you could just skip around?
A. I'd like to read something by Waldman, since I'm a huge fan of her husband's work.
B. I think my wife would get a kick out of this book, too.
Tim, you and your wife = two for one! The Chabon and Waldman are an incredible writing power couple. Smart, talented, human, and outspoken.