100 Push Ups
Well, you know, Maria thinks I’m crazy. And maybe I am. But my brother and Partner are joining in, in which case we’d all have to be crazy.
A friend suggested this website over on Facebook:
It’s a training site that helps you build up to being able to do 100 push ups. The regimen is spread out over six weeks, but users are encouraged to go at their own pace, and repeat each workout week until they are comfortable. I’m going to do it.
The first step is a push up test to help determine where to begin in the training program. Do as many push ups as I can without hurting myself. That’s easier said than done. I discovered that I can’t do a single regular push up. I can do 10 knee push ups though, so my plan is to do modified push ups for a while and hope that I get strong enough to switch over to regular push ups at some point.
I also hurt myself. My arms were really sore after I did my ten push ups. Then that night, I worked a ring toss booth at the elementary school family fun night. I bent down and picked up those little rings at least five million times. I felt like I had done one thousand lunges and squats the next day. I still ache when I walk up stairs.
Needless to say, I gave myself a few days to recover before I started the week one push up workout. My brother, bless his overachieving heart, did enough push ups in his test that he’s supposed to start with week three of the workout schedule. I’m sure he’s already halfway to his 100 push up goal by now. Just for fun he’s also doing the 200 sit ups and 200 squats workouts. Like I said, OVERACHIEVER. Gotta love him. He’s sending me encouraging messages like this one: “every journey has a beginning, however it may be measured. It is once the distance traveled is tallied and weighed against what is gained where the true worth is found.” I’d throw things at him if he weren’t a thousand miles away.
In other news, it’s been THREE WEEKS since I’ve been running and I’m feeling a little crazy about it. I have an itching to get running, and do the push ups, and maybe after a few weeks add in the sit up workout. You know, rotate through all three. Yeah, my brother and I might share a gene or two. Don’t throw things at me, grasshopper.