I had 43,336, according to Pages. Then I used the NaNo word count validator, which tells me that I have 43,118. Sigh. Computers are fickle things.
Anyway, the writing is going well, except for the sore wrists. I expect to top 45,000 before the end of today.
Highlights of this November:
—For the first time in memory, I have written at least one-thousand words every day for nineteen days straight.
—I had a personal best 6,000 word day on Saturday, beating a previous best of something around 5,000.
—I had a personal best weekday of 4,000 words on Tuesday in response to a challenge from my NaNoWriMo Municipal Liason, beating a previous weekday best of something less than 3,000.
—I baked a bazillion (48) rolls for a teacher appreciation luncheon, and resisted the temptation to eat a bunch of them by making the self-promise that I would make more for us. Which I did today. Yummmmmmy. Light as a Dream Hot Rolls from Shirley Corriher’s Cookwise. Fussy but completely awesome.
—I started cleaning out stuff. I gave away all of my homemade cloth diapers (I know that no one around here has used them for a great long while, but I invested a lot of my life in the creation and cleaning of those things and what they wrapped around. Not easy letting them go.). Yesterday, I challenged the kids to choose ten things to set free this year. So far they have come up with four, but they are biggies, including furniture. Yay for less stuff! As an added bonus, we have
freecycled all of these items and and made a couple of new friends. Good stuff.
—We are headed to spend Thanksgiving with family next week. It’ll be about twice as many people as normal, and I’m expecting both a greater degree of joy and a greater degree of tension. I’m hoping that this increase in all things will be accompanied by an increase in adult beverages.
—Our grapefruit tree is blessing us with a bazillion grapefruits. Which we will carry with us like modern-day Johnny Grapefruit-seeds to give to anyone who will take them. We hope, when juiced, that they will be able to commingle with some of the aforementioned spirits.
—There has also been singing by my beautiful children (We’ve moved from patriotic Veteran’s Day songs to festive Christmas songs), as well as a surprising amount of reading from unexpected quarters (i.e. Sonar X3), flu shots, fabric dying, an altogether pathetic amount of knitting considering how close Christmas is, and a little bit of coloring within the lines (by me).
I’m having a blast. I hope you are too.