10 Things: Mailbox Cushion

I noticed it the other day. Other family members insist that it’s been there for a few weeks. I struggled to come up with a reasonable explanation. What does it MEAN?! And then I pulled out a pen and made up a list of 10 Things that could explain this scenario. But that’s not enough. I want to hear your 10 Things too. So get your writing tools, number 1 through 10, and when you see the photo, write down the first 10 Things you think of to explain why, WHY?! there is a plush, velvety, red cushion tied to the top of this mailbox with a blue cord.
Ready? My 10 Things will follow below. Click to embiggen the photo if you like.
The mailbox of one of my neighbors
My 10 Things:
1. The cushion adds directional stability to keep the mailbox from falling off its post.
2. The cushion protects the sensitive mailbox from falling branches or acorns.
3. The cushion provides a place for the mail carrier to lean out of his truck to rest his head.
4. Once a week the neighborhood cats gather around the mailbox with the king or queen cat perched on the cushion throne.
5. The red cushion with blue straps is an alternative to tree streamers for demonstrating school pride. Go blue red!
6. The cushion is a teleporter. The mail carrier places packages upon the cushion and they are instantly zapped into the house. (This one courtesy of Sonar X11)
7. The cushion is the signal for a secret underground network, or perhaps the sign of the meeting place of a secret organization. (If cushion is red we meet at the library. If cushion is blue we meet at the Dairy Queen.)
8. Enclosed within the cushion is surveillance equipment that monitors traffic speeds or tries to catch kids who get stoned in the arroyo across the street.
9. This cushion is part of a new trend in front yard decor. Soon all the mailboxes will have plush adornments.
10. This is a showcase cushion. Periodically the homeowner displays his prize __________ to passersby.
Don’t forget to put your speculation, wild or otherwise, into the comments for all of us to enjoy.