I love these teas. The peachy Black Tea is my favorite, with the Energizing Black running a close second (oooh, but the Chai is good too). Besides their amazing depth of flavor, the cool company vibe, and the bald little old man who used to be on the box, I love the quotes on the tea tags.
Each tag has some pithy quote on it.
“The palest ink is better than the best memory. —Wise Saying from the Orient
“The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.” —Mark Twain
I love them so much that for a while, I kept my tags every day and entered them on
my googlepage. (Aside: that rose was in my front yard, on a bush that has now expired, which is a bummer because it was such a lovely coral color and it smelled great too.)
Now you can go talk amongst yourselves about how crazy I am. Go on. It’s ok. I already knew.
Next: Who says I can’t blog while on vacation?