1. Yes, on November 20, I crossed the 50k mark on my NaNoWriMo novel for this year. And I changed the name to an equally horrible, but personally amusing Love (or a Time Machine) Conquers All: A Novel that is not about Love (or Time Machines). I didn’t validate until the 27th because I was busy eating pie.
2. We have decided to make it a family tradition to get stuck in traffic somewhere in Texas during the Thanksgiving holiday. Last year we crawled from Austin to Waco to Dallas at about fifteen miles per hour. This year, we crawled at twenty miles per hour on a forty mile detour through Tivoli, Texas. The orange sign at the side of the road said “Incident Ahead.” We have since learned that there was some sort of “traffic accident,” but during the “Incident” we suspected zombie apocalypse. We were happy to have our suspicions quashed.
3. I did a lot of knitting over the holiday weekend. I finished a pair of socks that have been lingering for nearly a year. I finished a hat that has been lingering for a few months. I made a pair of newborn socks. I finished one kid sock and started another. I loved to have the yarn running through my hands again. I’ll post pictures—um, sometime. Soon. Yeah.
4. I have been reading four different books during the month of November. I am ashamed to say that I have not finished a single one of them. I’m running out of time to finish any before the month is over.
5. I am. Phew. Out of things to say for today. But I will clean the used tissues off the desk, and maybe I will find some words under there. December promises knitting, sewing, baking, and more traveling.