Random though the beginning of a new year is, it’s a convenient time for new beginnings.
So here we are—da da da dum!—My goals for 2008. These are my personal goals, and are rather inwardly focused this year (and yes, I have included a cliched exercise goal here). I’m hoping, as a mom, that the residual effects of these practices will be good for my family as well. Sort of like putting on my own oxygen mask in an airplane depressurization before I assist those around me.
1. To write every day. Blog, free-write, handwritten letters, story planning. Something written. I’ve decided not to count email, unless it’s a post of significant length. This mainly because I want to have substantive writing each day.
2. To do some combination of running, walking, or yoga every day. The meta-goal here is fitness. Short term goal is to be able to run for 30 minutes four times a week (I’m building up to that over eleven weeks). The long term goal is going to be distance running. Perhaps a marathon next year?
3. To get enough sleep. To be in the bed for seven to eight hours every night. In many ways, this is the toughest one for me. I like staying up late. I like talking with my partner, chatting with friends, reading, knitting, sometimes watching a movie. In the quiet house. The one where the children are all sleeping. So it is very easy for me to stay up to midnight. This is not so good when I have to get up at six or six-thirty to get a child off to school. It’s also not so good for the influence it has on my partner, who regularly gets up at five. So (deep breath) I’m going to try to be in bed by 10:30 on school nights and 11:30 on other nights. This is the goal I have the most doubt about, honestly. I’m laughing at it right now.
Wish me luck.
How about you? Any goals you want to share?