Earn My Vote

In the quest for Texas delegates, Hillary Clinton will be stumping in our area tomorrow afternoon. I’m wondering whether I should take my preschoolers and go hear her.
Dear Senator Clinton,
I am an undecided voter with small children. Health insurance access, Employment equity, and family- and child-friendly policies are all very important to me. Could you summarize your stand on these important issues using puppets? Much appreciated.
Love, Eglentyne
Seriously, it would be hard not to vote for a candidate willing to explain things to children without fear of embarassing herself.
CM warns that the puppet speech should be a good one, lest mama be accused of selling out to a puppet government.
Reader Comments (1)
I think you should go see her. It's good political process. And maybe she would do a puppet thing. At least, I think she'd make a good puppet quip.
I voted for her. I think she'd kick ass and take names. I have, of course, more serious reasons than that, but I'm sad she didn't come to SC to stump. Then again, I'm not surprised. The Bubbas here hate her.
K. I'm not making good sentences nomore. Time for food. But not bacon popsicles. Ew.