Almost 7 Weeks of Running
The other day I was flipping through the newspaper and came across an ad for 5k fun run. For us ignorant Americans, that’s about 3.1 miles. Because I run according to time, and not distance, I wasn’t really sure whether I could run that far, or how long it would take me.
But since I’m also impetuous, I decided to register first and work out silly things like logistics later.
The past couple of weeks worth of running have been really good. I’ve been more or less injury-free,* working up to a 5/2.5 interval (5 mins running then 2.5 mins walking, repeat for 30 mins). Yesterday was supposed to be my last 5/2.5 before moving on to a 7/3 interval, but I decided to test myself.
I started out thinking that I’d run until it became too tiring or painful (figuring this couldn’t possibly be more than about 10 minutes), and then I’d settle into the scheduled interval. I ran at an easy pace, settled immediately into a very comfortable breathing groove, and after a brief, early, breath cramp, I just ran and ran and ran.
For the whole 30 minutes.
Yes, I surprised even me folks. And if I wasn’t so freakin hot, I would have done happy cartwheels when I jogged into my yard at the end of it. (I later estimated that I’m running a smidge less than 2.5 miles each half hour run).
Next Time: Fortitude Knickers
* I’m having one recurring issue with pain near the bottom of my ribs on the left side of my abdomen. This mystery soreness occurs only the evening after a run, and has been attributed by my resident fitness guru (aka Partner) to be fascia soreness. Which it might be. But after some careful thinking, stretching and probing, I’ve decided the cause is—
Wait. Anyone who wants to continue to believe (absurdly) in the perfection of women’s bodies should turn away now. Gone? Good.
I think it’s caused (and I laugh even unto myself as I type this, but it’s totally true) by my baby flap bouncing as I run. You know, if you’ve had a baby, no matter how thick or thin you are, what I’m talking about. It’s that loosey bunch of skin and flubber that is left after your abdomen is stretched out enough to hold a small elephant and then allowed to slouch down to your knees after the baby is born. I think it’s permanent. And bouncy.
Reader Comments (1)
HURRAH!!!! Grats on your 30 minutes straight of running. That's terrific! You are going to kick butt on that 5 K, hon.
I thought of you today when I was on the elliptical trainer. Your post made me want to see how long it would take to fast jog a mile on there (since my knees are rotten for street running and I can't breathe the air outside well around here); took me about 11 minutes to do it. Considering I blow at running, I was pleased. I give you all the credit for motivating me!
So go you and let's talk soon. I'm tired. It's late. Weh. Bedddddd.
Hugs to you, Husband, and the 3 Sonars.