Venous Reverb, or the Untold Story of Eglentyne's First 5k Day

Waking up early and getting ready for the fun run went very smoothly, but there were two things I didn’t have time for: finishing my morning caffeine and stretching properly. I have subsequently paid for both of these things.
The run went well, the weather beautiful and the wind light. I accidentally met some great people who happen to live in my little town. Small world. And I might have an occasional running partner now.
I did not expect the course to be as hilly as it was. My wee town is as flat as flat can be, and the biggest incline I tackle during a run is a sidewalk ramp. The race began with a steep uphill climb, and then meandered up and down, finishing on a long slow downhill slope. The hills and the lack of a good knee stretch have left my calves and knees very unhappy today.
After the race, there was a lot of standing around, sweating, chatting, and waiting for race results while they passed out some raffle prizes. That was fun, and the Sonars thought it was great to play on the fantastic structures at the park, as well as to run up and down up and down up and down a steep hill about five-thousand times. When we finally left the park, they were covered head to foot in mud.
After cleaning up the Sonars, Partner hauled them off for much-begged-for haircuts, while I showered and stretched and snacked and blogged.
When I posted my triumph yesterday, I was already feeling the aura of an impending migraine. It hit hard and fast, and was complete with the most lovely and distressing visual aura (pretty golden wavery lines at the edges of my field of vision). Medicated, hydrated, caffeinated, showered, and stretched, I sprawled out on my bed.
Now, some people can’t stand light or sound when they have a migraine. I don’t mind either of these in moderation. What kills me is movement. Even the slightest little muscle twitch is amplified through my veins and into my head, making it feel like my skull will surely explode. So stillness, profound stillness, is the key to migraine comfort for me. Difficult in the best of circumstances considering I must continue to breathe, which moves my body ever so slightly.
The good news is, that after a hearty lunch and a long, quiet nap, the pain had receded somewhat. I was left with an uncomfortable sort of hollow feeling, but that too waned before dinner time.
What has yet to wane are the cranky after-effects on three children of getting up too early and running up and down a hill five-thousand times. They totally had a blast. I’m sure they ran more than I did yesterday. The experience has even inspired Sonar X7, equipped by Partner yesterday with fresh shoes, to start training with me. But their little bodies are worn a bit tired. And tempers are frayed around the edges. No insult or discomfort passes today without dramatic complaint.
Still a bit tired myself, I’m having to work very hard to maintain my patience and understanding with them, and admit to flipping out once this morning over yet another whiny breakdown by a child. But calm has settled over the house as everyone rests quietly. We have plenty of groceries and I made some rosemary foccaccia this morning that is begging to be eaten. We have nowhere to go, and nothing to do but enjoy our day.
Now, if I can just finish this d#$% sweater.
Reader Comments (2)
Ummm...I'll eat up the rosemary foccaccia!! *raises hand*
Grats on your run, hon! So glad for you. Hope the weather was as nice there as it was here.
Just got back from a trip, so more another time.
Flipping out just once in a morning? Wow. [Bows down before the mom of patience and sanity.] I count myself accomplished if I make it through 30 minutes without flipping out at mine - really. And I only have 2.