*From a song-in-progress by Brother-in-law (songwriter/guitar player)
The house is quiet just now. After a chaotic weekend involving hot dogs, water balloons, watermelon and a wading pool filled with children under 9, only Sonar X3 and I remain. Partner is at work. The other two Sonars abandoned us to spend a week being spoiled by Grandma and Granddad. Sonar X3 could have gone too, but was daunted by the idea of getting in a car with his sibs and driving away to leave us here alone for a week. Perhaps he thought I wouldn’t know what to do without him?
With only one child in the house, I find that there is a lot more time in my day. It is unnecessary to do a load of wash every day. And there are half as many dishes. Ditto half as much crap strewn on the floor.
So I’m working on Ravenclaw-ish socks for Sonar X5, and also started a lace scarf just for the heck of it. I finished reading
The Girl With No Shadow by Joanne Harris (her sequel to
Chocolat). Seriously, if you haven’t read any of her books, go find
one. Her development of character is great, and she is a master at pacing a book so that I am slowly pulled along, with the tension and the emotion increasing incrementally until she just blows me away in the last quarter of each book. I find myself dabbling with her books for the first half, just reading a bit here and there, savoring her attention to the details of smell and taste. But by the time I get to that last quarter, I can hardly put them down wanting to know how this complicated tangle of humanity works itself out. Good stuff. Really good stuff.
Next on the stack is The Good, the Bad, and the Undead by Kim Harrison, and then Lavinia by Ursula K. LeGuin.
This weekend we will retrieve the Sonars. Partner has one more week of work before his six week vacation. Just today we contrived a plot to visit family in New Mexico the last week of June. Gas prices, hash smices. If we can drive the whole fourteen hours in one day, we won’t have to dish out for hotels. That’s right. I said fourteen hours of driving with the three Sonars in a car that is equipped with neither personal DVD players nor video gaming of any kind.
I’ll try to remember to pack the sedatives. For me.
Reader Comments (1)
We're planning on the week afterwards. Maybe we'll overlap on the weekend! You've got us beat, we're only 12 hours and the three dogs sleep so it's not really a hard drive. :) Maybe we'll see you. :)