Shirt I
Posted on Sunday, August 10, 2008 at 10:47PM
I finished one shirt today.
(I particularly like the caulk-stained shorts in that ensemble).
The second shirt is just like the first, only in negative. In other words, the lighter part is darker and the darker part is lighter. I’ll show you when it’s finished. Which may not be soon, because the sewing machine is making a startling noise.
Stealth project the first is finished (hopefully I’ll show you a picture someday, because it’s hilarious silliness, but as it’s hilarious silliness meant as a surprise for someone and I don’t want to ruin the surprising silliness you can’t see it now), and I’m swatching (slowly, knitter’s wrist ya know) for Stealth project the second. There was no swatch for the first thingy cuz it was felted and gauge was somewhat irrelevant, what with the shrinking of the wool in hot soapy water.
I’ve taken to keeping my left hand dunked in the ice cream maker bucket filled with water. Holding a cold bottle of beer in my left hand also helps. As does the sipping of the beer. Go figure.
tagged Sewing, Something Knitty in Craft
Reader Comments (1)
Yes. Drink more beer. That's it. ;)
I miss my daily pint at the pub. Alas.
Shirt and sweater and veggies all look wonderful. Go you and Partner!