A mix, Good, Very Good and Not So Much
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Sunday, August 31, 2008 at 9:35AM

Many things running through my mind today. Little energy. Will abbreviate.
1. New Mystery Stole swatch on US Size 2 needles. Like it much better. Really like the orange beads. Or maybe the purple. Must decide before Friday.
2. Sonar X3 is super cute. This is the SuperCowboy ensemble, made from some old suedy polyester fabric with McCall’s 8398, copyright 1966 (Batman, Robin and Superman official Costumes). Made for a family friend’s Cowboy fifth birthday. She and her folks loved it.
3. We’re sick. Ok, four out of five of us are sick, including me and all of the small people. Right now it’s general malaise, sore throat and ache ache ache. I’m hoping we can kick it with a low-key long weekend.
4. Go make this Malted Milk Ice Cream. It’ll mess up a lot of dishes, but it’s so worth it. So so worth it.
5. Deployment socks are progressing slowly, but progressing. Thinking of a modification of this Pink Lemon Twist pattern in the foot area. With red and yellow. Or maybe blue and grey. Or something.
6. I found the major speeches of the Democratic National Convention very stirring, particularly the focus on families. I find John McCain’s VP choice profoundly troubling. Inexperience, energy policy, family rights. Very troubling.
7. There’s a meteorological par-tay happening in the tropics. Gustav. Hanna. And a couple of “pre-” storms here and here. I have something to say about the storm name choices this year. But I’m not sure what it is yet. We look to be on the safe side of the named monsters at least. Check on your friends in Louisiana. It’s going to be a bad scene for them. Again.
Something Knitty in

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