Sonar Sighted, Teeth Missing
The brown-eyed Sonar X7 has lost his two front teeth in as many days. Our gap-toothed wonder. Click to embiggen.
This guy sleeps with piles of pillows all around him and usually jokes that he is the Pillow Master. Last night, in a fit of tooth-loss, adrenaline-fueled silliness, he decided he was the Pillo-tar (think Avatar: The Last Airbender). Master of the four Pillow-ments (elements). I told him that sounded like Pillow Mints, those little candies. Much giggling ensued.
Sonar X10 took it one step further, declaring himself the Sleep-atar, master of the four Bed-ements. His Pillow-bending skills are excellent (unlike Ang, who bends Air, Water, Earth, and Fire), and he’s currently engaged in study of Sheet- and Pajama-bending. One day he knows his most difficult challenge will be to face his arch-enemies and master Mattress-bending. The giggling underwent a manifold increase.
Yeah, we’re all pretty deliciously geeky around here.
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