You Can Change My NaNoWriMo Novel, or Watch Me Be Irrational About My Writing

My total word count as of yesterday is 20,028. I wrote almost 4,000 words yesterday. Which was great for yesterday, but my brain has turned to mush today.
Last night I had the urge to take this piece of Mainstream Fiction and drop in a fraternal alien-twin for one main character and a liberal sprinkling of the word ‘ovipositor.’ Is this my subconscious telling me I want to write science fiction? Or is 4,000 words too many for one brain in one day?
I was disappointed to receive absolutely no additional suggestions to yesterday’s 10 Things You Can Drop Into Your NaNo Novel post. Giddy, I suppose, and unmotivated to write according to the plot I scratched out on this sheet of graph paper in front of me, I’ve decided to shake things up a bit.
Here is the really boring short synopsis of my novel:
Jill and Carlos work at the same busy video store. They’re friends, but only at work. They don’t get married, or date, or even like each other That Way. But sometimes they talk to each other about the important stuff.
I’ll admit it, my original suggestions yesterday for things to drop into your NaNo were pretty tame. In the spirit of generating creative absurdity, I will consider all suggestions for throwing wrenches into a NaNoWriMo novel from now until the weekend. Whichever one I think is the most outrageous will go into MY NaNo. I have no prizes to offer. If I choose your outrageous suggestions, you’ll have the satisfaction of know you have f—ahem, um, TINKERED with my creative process.
Only Rule: No Brutality.
Do your weirdest.
Reader Comments (2)
Sorry, crazy busy at work. I say you throw in a swarm of bees and some lemonade shaved ice.
How about they open up a dvd cover and get sucked into another alternative dystopian world? A little Alice in Wonderland meets Pan's Labyrinth meets Hot Tub Time Machine.