This is Dani Smith


I am Dani Smith, sometimes known around the web as Eglentyne. I am a writer in Texas. I like my beer and my chocolate bitter and my pens pointy.

This blog is one of my hobbies. I also knit, sew, run, parent, cook, eat, read, and procrastinate. I have too many hobbies and don’t sleep enough. Around here I talk about whatever is on my mind, mostly reading and writing, but if you hang out long enough, some knitting is bound to show up.

Thank you for respecting my intellectual property and for promoting the free-flow of information and ideas. If you’re not respecting intellectual property, then you’re stealing. Don’t be a stealer. Steelers are ok sometimes (not all of them), but don’t be a thief.

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    Absurd Self-Revelation

    I carry one bag (loathe the word ‘purse’) most of the time. Sometimes, I use a second, slightly larger bag instead. Very occasionally, I use a behemoth bag. This is what I carry with me.

    Bag 1: The every day bag

    Contents of my bag, click to embiggen (I hope)

    From right to left (more or less): the Texas wallet (you’ll just have to imagine the cards, bills, notes, and sometimes money in there), sock yarn, pens, two packs of gum, band-aids, knitting needles, keys, and trash (tissue, wrappers, wadded up note, and movie stubs).

    Bag 2: The slightly larger, slightly nicer bag

    The additional contents of bag 2. Let me know what happens if you click it.In this bag I carry everything from bag one (I just dump it in there) plus: more knitting needles, writing implements, and tissue, chapstick, spare change, and random niceness cards (for leaving randomly to spread niceness—yeah, I do that sometimes, but don’t worry, I’m still a hermity misanthrope at heart). The blue paper with tic marks and a thank you message used to be wrapped around a pen from the first bag, but was co-opted by a child for a boredom project.

    Bag 3: The gigantic purse with purple zebra stripes

    The contents of bag 3. Does this one get bigger?

    In addition to many things from the other bags, this monster mom-bag contains: more pens and change, crayons, playing cards, a notebook to jot down books to read, sticky notes, hair-taming devices, tiny altoids, a volunteer badge from the kids’ school, two buttons, paperclips, and a rock. I don’t know where the rock came from, from I’d be willing to bet all that change that I know who put it in there.

    What’s missing:

    The cell phone (charging), the camera (sometimes), a water bottle (in the fridge), a book, children’s hands, and my sanity.

    What’s in your bag? 


    Reader Comments (2)

    Yes, the pictures get bigger. Congrats! ;)

    I carry the typical stuff (wallet, cell phone, etc.), but also an emergency pair of pull-ups for my daughter, hand sanitizer, a pair of shorts and shirt for my daughter, and a glasses case. Since I have lots of extra kid stuff, I carry a small backpack instead of a purse.

    If I actually go somewhere without my daughter, I forget to switch to a real purse or adjust the contents of my bag, so then I feel silly walking around with a pull-up.

    July 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSarah V.

    Ah yes, when my kids were smaller, a backpack was much more practical and there were diapers and clothes and toys in the bag. And for some reason I always ended up with a sock in one of my pockets or bags. I always found it easier to leave the kid stuff, even when I didn't need it, because I would invariably forget to put it back.

    July 11, 2010 | Registered CommenterEglentyne

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