Work from there

I’m a little behind on my Friday Night Lights viewing. A few weeks ago I watched the first couple of episodes of the most recent season. One story line has former Panther QB Matt Saracen (why is he still part of the story again?) doing an internship with a local artist. When prompted to give his opinion of Matt’s work, the crusty old jerk (love him) flips roughly through Matt’s portfolio, chooses one drawing, rips it to shreds and hands Matt a scrap of paper. I think it was a drawing of a hand. “This part right here doesn’t make me want to throw up. Work from there.”
If you rip through your writing, throw out all the cliches, and get to the heart of it, which is the part that doesn’t make you want to throw up? Write from there.
A close-up shot of my computer, complete with mustache, inspirational quote, small pictures of the kids, and desk detritus
Reader Comments (1)
The artist in this story is played brilliantly by John Diehl. The line might be "doesn't want to make me puke." Line? Anyone?