10 Things: Unchained

The inspiration for today’s 10 Things came out of the Tim Horton’s coffee can, so it’s a little bit coffee flavored. I’m itching to make a snarky comment, but I don’t want to influence YOUR 10 Things with my witty banter.
Join me and play with some words.
I’m going to prompt you. You’re going to write down the first ten things that pop into your head when I give you the prompt. Then you’re going to scroll down to read MY 10 Things, as well as adding yours to the comments, so we can steal story ideas from each other. Uh, I mean, you know, so we can be INSPIRED by each other. Yeah, that’s the one.
Today’s prompt is UNCHAINED. 10 Things. Now.
MY 10 Things, in no particular order.
1. My high-school best friend and I calling the oldies radio station over and over, trying to get the DJ to play “Unchained Melody.” Then recording it and singing along with it at the top of our lungs.
2. A monster breaking free of chains in a video game or movie or something. Yeah, vague, I know.
3. Unchained > unhinged > undone > let loose > free > removed from bondage > released
4. A horror movie sequel: “Famous-horror-movie franchise UNCHAINED.” As if it wasn’t bad enough the first ten times.
5. Chains pulling a car, loose and crazy-dangerous looking. If it came unchained, without steering or brakes, it would careen crazily and crash.
6. Chains in a dungeon. That scene in Aladdin where he’s held prisoner alongside an ancient man and escapes with the help of Abu the monkey. Chi chi chi chi chichichi
7. The Tale of Despereaux. Isn’t someone chained down in the castle dungeon in that one?
8. A crochet chain, slowly popping each stitch loose, one-by-one to unchain the yarn.
9. When a necklace or bracelet breaks, it becomes unchained. The pieces and charms fall free, lost or jumbled.
10. The ball and chain. An unlinking of things connected. Distance, divorce, death, dismemberment. The fracture of the weakest link sundering the connections between otherwise strong parts.
Whuddya got?

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