NaNoWriMo 2011: Bits and Pieces of Inspiration

I’m more than 10,000 words behind the word count goal for NaNoWriMo right now, so, of course, I’m writing a blog post instead. Steven Johnson says “chance favors the connected mind,” so here are a few of the bits and pieces that have come together serendipitously to bloom into my novel idea this year.
Christina Rossetti’s poem, “The Goblin Market”, a sensuous poem about two sisters tempted by the fruits of those dirty goblin men. “Who knows upon what soil they fed / Their hungry thirsty roots?” “‘For there is no friend like a sister / In calm or stormy weather; / To cheer one on the tedious way, / To fetch one if one goes astray, / To lift one if one totters down, / To strengthen whilst one stands.’”
Carl Zimmer’s Radiolab podcast about science writing, grief, evolution, and horrible diseases in South Sudan. “That is true, and it has been for millions of years.” Listen to this funny and inspiring story to find out what “that” is.
A prescription drug shortage, targeted by President Obama recently. What if the drug you needed was out-of-print, hoarded, or artificially inflated in price?
Hanuman Welch’s “Adonis and the Bone Marrow” from Story Collider. We will go to amazing (and occasionally funny) lengths to protect the people we love.
Fear Factory’s Flickr, which is a brilliant opportunity to catalogue different ways in which people respond to danger.
What’s in your NaNo recipe this year?
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