Meanness, hypocrisy, and the lack of compassion and understanding in public discourse

Last week I was so proud and amazed by the power of people united in a peaceful movement in Egypt. But dude, this week, the appalling lack of compassion around here is really pissing me off. And I’m feeling particularly stabby about hypocrisy today.
I’ve had a hard time this week with the caustic domestic political rhetoric and the thoughtless stupidity that is overlooking the ways in which we need each other and the ways in which we should support and care for one another.
Congress is dicking around attacking reproductive rights when people need JOBS. My own state of Texas is also wasting time deciding what I can do with my uterus and the way in which my doctor and I can manage my reproductive health while a 27 billion dollar budget shortfall threatens the livelihoods of tens of thousands of educators across the state, as well as the quality of education for all Texas children.
Wake up Lege! Texas is already sucking at educating and managing the children who are out here living and breathing.
People I know on Facebook are asking why we expend so much energy to take care of other people. A firefighter in Arizona did not go on a call because of political differences with the rest of his team. Institutions integral to a well-functioning democratic society—libraries, non-commercial broadcast and journalism, and schools—are being devalued and defunded. Worker’s rights are being attacked in Wisconsin. I could go on and on.
Listen to me. Humans are social creatures. We need each other. We need to take care of each other.
Texas, we cannot afford to make the proposed cuts in the education budget. Governor Perry, I respectfully submit that your economic development incentives won’t go anywhere if there isn’t an educated workforce to fill the jobs that companies may or may not bring to Texas. We need a well-educated, dynamic citizenry that can fill the skill-oriented and service-oriented jobs of the future. We need a well-educated and thoughtful citizenry that can continue to maintain the progressive ideals upon which this country was founded.
Texas, we cannot afford to make the proposed cuts in the education budget. Job losses are projected to be in the tens of thousands in the education sector alone. Job loss of that magnitude, in a state of our size, could not only drag down our state economy, it could topple the fragile recovery that has started in the country, and with that, the rest of the world. Everything is bigger in Texas, but we don’t want to be contributors to a bigger recession.
And yes, this is personal for me. I have three children being educated in Texas. I have a Partner who is a Texas educator. I am worried for my own family. But I am also worried for all of us, as Texans and as Americans.
I am so proud of US history and culture, of innovation and resources, of ideas. But I don’t want to live in an ignorant United States. I don’t want to live in a hypocritical United States. I want us to listen to reason and to pay attention to facts. I want us to have a social and a global outlook that continues to make this a great place to live.
We have to find a way to make this better. We’re not going to get to a better place by ignoring each other, by attacking each other, or by throwing each other under the bus.

Reader Comments (4)
As I was writing this post, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to defund Planned Parenthood. I'm almost speechless over the stupidity of that action. Planned Parenthood saves lives with disease testing and cancer screening. According to Andrea Marcotte, for every dollar the government spends on contraception, it saves FOUR dollars on subsequent services. Take away reliable access to contraception. Take away reliable access to safe abortions. I can't even tell you how mad this makes me.
Do us all a favor and sign the NARAL petition or call your Senator and urge him or her to block this bill from full passage:
Dani, I honestly don't get why you're so upset. I mean, they approved $7 million to go toward a NASCAR sponsorship, clearly they're "big picture" kind of people.
See, they're going to stop funding STD and cancer screening for women at Planned Parenthood, so there'll be less of us 'cause. . . you know. . . we'll DIE.
Then kids (who there will be a LOT more of, since there'll be no access to birth control for low-income women) not only be mother-less, but they'll be dumber 'cause there are not enough teachers--especially for all these extra kids that no one wanted in the first place.
It's all about NASCAR. See, they're grooming the next generation of NASCAR fans. Really, Dani. it's big-picture time.
And they have the perfect set-up to carry out this genius plan, by terminating public broadcasting there will BE no independent, non-corporate voice to tell everyone what's actually happening.
Don't be so upset, you should applaud, really, at their genius. It's stunning.
Really: stunning.
Oh, well, if it's about NASCAR, then it must be ok.
Have I told you lately that you're awesome, Amy? Come sit next to me at the lunch table. We should sit around being pissed off at society together more often.
Only if I can dye my hair black. Can I dye my hair black?