To Re-Read or Not To Re-Read: How to Resurrect Old Plots
I’m writing. Sort of. I’m really trying. I’m sitting here in front of the computer. My hands are on the keyboard. Words appear on the screen as I type. But there is no doubt that I am stuck. I have been for a while. There are words, but no story. Words, but no satisfaction. Words, but no fire. Not even a spark or a fizz.
I want a new story. The old stories don’t quite hold together. They are the bits and pieces of my learning process. Some better than others, none complete, all missing Something.
And then I have a brainwave.
I think of my favorite story that I’ve written. Then my mind wanders over to my favorite bit from another story. And KAPOW.
These stories have nothing in common. Well, not really. Their protagonists share a certain clumsiness and curiosity. But that’s it. One is full-on, urban fantasy. One is more, what? Magical realism, I guess. Reality plus some subtle fantastical falderal.
Am I rambling yet? Yes? Ok, I’m getting there.
I can’t put the stories together. No. But I can lift that favorite element from one, and pour it into the pot of the other. I can skim off the detritus that rises to the top, and maybe, maybe I can get a good stew out of the whole thing.
Here’s my question for you, You thinking-, writing-, creative-types:
Where do I start?
Should I treat this story like a fresh idea, plotting out the parts and writing anew, with only my memories of those earlier plans to fertilize the growth of the new story?
Should I go back and reread those earlier stories, taking clippings here and there for pieces that might somehow be revived and grafted together into something new?
What would you do? One of these approaches, or something different?
Reader Comments (2)
I say you breed those ideas like prize hogs and bring something new and pretty to the fair. Urban magickery is a really cool idea - I was always a fan of the Constantine comics. A bit of humor (other than the gallows type) would be a nice addition. Like Harry Potter if there were no hogwarts or diagon alley but still filled with far more muggles than witches.
So, perhaps I should listen to the Harry Potter soundtrack while I outline, for just a dash of charming inspiration and good luck? ;)