ABAW: The Magnificent Steam Carnival of Professor Pelusian Minus by Sean and Connor Hayden
A Book A Week, occasionally more!
The Magnificent Steam Carnival of Professor Pelusian Minus
By Sean Hayden and Connor Hayden
Episode 1: First Flight (Echelon Press, ePub edition, 2011, promotional)
Episode 2: Second Chance (Echelon Press, ePub edition, 2011, purchased copy)
Episode 3: Third Time (Echelon Press, ePub edition, 2011, purchased copy)
If dastardly villains and the clank of coal-powered steam engines — plus just a hint of magic — appeals to you, then you’ll enjoy the storytelling of the father and son team of Sean and Hayden Connor. Our heroes are Dane and Paige Ellis, twin steamsmiths snatched from their cradles by Professor Minus’s dimwitted henchman Abraham, then raised under the metal fist (really!) of Minus to maintain the curious contraptions of the carnival. The twins love their carnival family (except for the diabolical Minus) but dream of a better life. Paige and Dane are clever with machines, too clever perhaps because Minus works them to exhaustion and exploits their ideas for his own increasingly criminal benefit. Minus controls Dane’s growing rebelliousness with an explosive collar around the neck of his dear sister. Mechanical shminions, brass birds, and flying twins make for a fun steampunk serial.
Sonar X8 is enjoying the series now, and we are looking forward to future episodes.
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