
I am asleep in my bed. I am sleeping well. I am warm and cozy. Ok, I’m not really asleep. An hour ago, Partner’s alarm went off, and he got out of bed. He went off to do whatever he does when everyone is asleep. Grind coffee beans in the laundry room so he doesn’t wake anyone. And listen to NPR in his bathrobe. I’ve often thought of joining him during this early morning quiet time, just to sneak extra minutes for us. But I don’t because I don’t think I’m much of a morning person. The real problem is that I can’t give up this. This delicious warm drowsy darkness where I’m asleep enough to be oblivious but juuuuuust awake enough to appreciate it.
When Partner’s alarm went off, I scooched over to his spot to better reach the clock and then drifted back into the semi-oblivion. When my alarm went off five minutes ago, I hit the snooze and sprawled out flat on my back to wait out my five minutes. I am still more asleep than awake, though I can hear Partner finishing his morning shave in the bathroom. I am dimly aware when he gets into the shower moments later.
When my alarm goes off a second time, I hit the snooze again within the first two wonks. That’s what the alarm sounds like: wonk wonk wonk. I don’t immediately move though, and the thought of turning off the alarm clock and going back to sleep always crosses my mind. The next thought is always a mashed up brain-image of all my responsibilities, pummeling my consciousness like a prickly cold snowball. So I get up, turn on the light, wondering why I do this every morning when the bed and sleep are so perfectly enticing, so druggingly cocooning, wondering how anyone else manages to get up when the alternative is snuggly bliss. Wondering just how many people choose the bed instead.

Reader Comments (3)
Unfortunately, I don't have the option of choosing the bed. Getting up is the least fun part of the day, but honestly I like it once I'm actually up in the early morning. There's something magical about those pre-dawn hours.
Happy birthday. I hope someone Partner and/or Sonar-ish does something special for you. ;-)
How come no one told me it was your birthday!? There is glitter coming in the mail, missy.
I almost never choose the bed, because I cherish those pre-dawn hours all alone - everything is lying in wait for the day, poised but unguarded. If I go for a run, I pass houses full of sleeping people and can imagine their lives completely uninterrupted. I picture them brewing coffee or tea, wearing bathrobes or watching morning cartoons. If I go to the gym, I get my choice of machines and TV channels... I can read whatever section of the paper I want, write whatever I want, do whatever I want in near-complete silence. In fact, I think I may be a morning person! Who'da thunk it?!
You're both obviously early-morning overachievers. And yes, it is my birthday. Sonars and Partner made me brownies, and Sonar X11 played me "Happy Birthday" on his trumpet mouthpiece. Which was like being serenaded by a really cute duck. That could only be topped if it was accompanied by a glitter bomb. :D