Shall We Just Call it Balm-Shine?

The sun is shining in just such a way today that it makes me feel warmer on the inside. Good feeling.
In other news, there are new shoes. Wider footprint, thicker , wedgier sole. And my pain is mostly gone, only a slight bruisy feeling on my left ankle every now and again. So, I’m going to run today. If the pain comes back in the ankle, then I think I’ll have to involve a medical professional, because it might just be a stress fracture. *sigh*
In other other news my children are so cool. Oh, I know, your children are cool too, and so are your pets, and your partners, and the plants growing near you, and I’d love to hear about them. Here’s a cool thing mine did this week…
Child 1 (Let’s just call him Sonar-X7), who is a second grader, was studying Heroes from the Past* in Social Studies this week. As an extension of that unit, they were supposed to write about a Hero from Today, someone that they know personally, and explain why the person is a hero.
Lovely child chose his middle sib (Sonar-X4). Explained that Sonar-X4 is fun to be with, fun to play with and has really good ideas. Sonar-X7 found my gushing over it embarassing. ;)
I’m going to hold on to that thought, maybe even scribble it on a sticky note that I can wave around at them the next time they’re tackling each other to the ground in a snit.
*Maya Angelou was included as a Past hero, and I just can’t get it out of my craw that she isn’t so much past as the rest of the heroes, who are all dead. I think I’ll write a note to the teacher. ;)
Reader Comments (1)
This is why I love your boys so much. I am gushing from across the miles in your general direction. I think you should frame that piece of writing and keep it for posterity and for the occasions you mentioned.
Le Sigh.
Sonar X-33