Damage, or Running Hurts but it isn't Hurting Me

Discomfort is sometimes necessary. Discomfort is not the same as Damage. I’d like to think that we should endeavor to avoid Damage whenever possible. To avoid damaging ourselves or other through our Action or Inaction.
Running hurts. Running causes me pain, mainly in my ankles and knees.
Last Friday I got new shoes (half-off again!) and went for a run. I know I said before that I’d go back to the lower run/walk interval, but moderation be damned, I picked right up at my 3/3 interval. I tried to run relaxed, and the shoes really made a huge difference, but I was stiff, and ran as I imagine the Tin Man must run on a humid day.
I woke up Saturday with minimal soreness. Stretched my butt off. Or out. I ran again yesterday, and felt a bit more like the gazelle I aspire to be. And today: no soreness. :)
The only issue in the Sunday run was heat. Yesterday was among the warmest, and was certainly the most humid day of running for me yet. Halfway through the run my ears felt like hot, pressure-filled steam pipes waiting to burst. I’m glad I started running during cool weather for us, because honestly, if it had felt like that during my first week, I’d have quit already. As the temperatures take their usual sharp upturn in the next month, I will have to consider running much later in the day. Dusk probably, rather than right before dinnertime. Or maybe early in the morning. (Ha. Who am I kidding? I can’t get up that early. hahaha)
All this is to say that I don’t think I’m damaging myself with running. I had my doubts for a little while, especially in my left ankle. But now, I really think my problem is Inexperience and Discomfort. And frankly, I’m really Proud of the running, I know it’s good for my body, and those positive perks far outweigh the discomfort.
Next Time: Skate mopping, Grocery shopping, and Sources of Energy

Reader Comments (3)
Shoes half off are not good for running. Tug them on all the way and tie them properly.
(Sighs with admiration) You know, I tend to avoid anything in the "D" department, including Damage, Discomfort, Disease, Dysfunction, Dysentery, Drainage...
In short, I'm a wimp. Especially in bazillion-degree temperatures. Keep running!
Um...and so on my blog you thanked me for the shoe solution. But I think that was CM not me, CT who came up with it. So props to the other C. ;)