A snort of approval
No. Not that kind of snort.
Thanks so much to everyone for the snot sympathy, and for suggestions about combating the snot.
In spite of the myriad modern concoctions available to root out, thin out, and disinfect upper respiratory mucus, I’ve had the best results with nasal saline lavage. That is to say, squirting saltwater up my nose at regular intervals. Nothing fancy. Half a teaspoon of salt in eight ounces of cleanish water. Squirt.
I’ll admit that as a card-carrying mammal, complete with air-breathing lungs, I was not crazy about the idea of introducing liquid into my upper respiratory passages. But I have to say, that weird as it is, I also find it sort of exhilarating.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I have never dated a doctor. Heck I don’t even know that many doctors. So my entirely unscientific, anecdotal experiences with snorting saline should not be taken as advice in the treatment of your snot. Please contact a reasonably qualified medical-type person for advice about your own snot.
That said, if you choose to try such an application of brackish water to your mucus membranes, be sure not to blow it out too hard and back it all up into your ears. Blow gently, both nostrils open. No fun to have the saline in the ears. Seriously.
Speaking of sticking things up your nose…
No. Still not that sort of sticking up your nose.
Sonar X7 had gigantic cotton swaps stuck up his nose today to confirm that yes, indeed, he is our next contestant in name that germ. This week’s featured virus: Influenza. Yes, folks, joining us in our parade of germs is this year’s infamous flu virus. Along with its cousin, it has been baffling flu vaccines everywhere. Flu brings along with it a new player to our pharmaceutical party, Tamiflu.
This is our family’s first experience with the celebrity drug, and, as with so many other drugs, the Integrated MedFacts Module (aka the handy flier the pharmacist gives us with our drugs), this one almost makes the drug sound scarier than the virus.
*Common* side effects include nausea and vomiting. Well, hot-dog! He’s already had nausea and vomiting, and while it seems to have passed, let’s go ahead and dose him and see if it’ll come back around.
Even better though, “Patients with flu who take this medicine may have an increased risk of confusion and unusual behavioral changes. The risk may be greater in children.” Yippee! I’m so seriously looking forward to that one, because, my kids are already maniacs when they’re sick.
Where’s that saline?
Reader Comments (3)
Well, it can be confirmed that medical professionals DO recommend saline nasal lavages. My internist is always on me to do that during allergy season--keeps things pH balanced, moisturized, and slick.
Anyways, it works.
Drinking goo gobs of water so your mucus can do its job also helps (I'm bad at that).
I hope that mystery flu Goes Away. I did my time with it earlier in the year and it's officially No Fun. May the odd drug Tamiflu not scramble the Sonars' Nice Kid tendencies!!
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So you like squishing saline up your nose? Have you tried a netti pot? It's a small tea kettle looking thing that will help you pour warm salt water into your nostril where you then drain it out the other nostril, clearing out mucas as you go. Oh yes, comfortable and atractive! But I've tried it and it helps. You can get them at Wild Oats or Whole Foods.
Also, the water recommendation really works. I've always known to drink water but the other week, in trying to ditch my cold before a show, I drank 96oz of water a day (thanks to my handy 24oz water bottle.) I've never noticed such a difference. I guess all of the other times, I wasn't drinking enough. I'd be able to breathe much more clearly after two bottles alone. Of course, I was in the bathroom most of the day but, it's a trade off.