Fevered Brain

Last night in the flip-flopping as my temperature wandered up and down from 100F (37.8C) to 103.5F (39.7C),* I discovered The Energy.
I was covered with what I thought were tiny little blobs of energy that hummed and shivered and fluttered when I moved, then settled in an ordered layer over my body when I was still. They covered me, the bed, Partner, the floor. They were everywhere. Why had I not been able to see them before?
Partner slept on, but through some Obe Wan, Jedi master, mind-spirit communication thing, we talked about the little blobs. We discovered that they weren’t Energy per se, but Matter. We had discovered the ability to sense matter in a different way.** And not just sense it. Manipulate it too!!
By concentrating our thoughts on these blankest of matter we could change their shape and properties. We could release limitless amounts of energy through the manipulation of their blobby little bonds. We could create from them anything we desired or imagined.
I thought these little things were great—for a few hours. but then the little matter blobs became more insistent, their shuffles taking on a bit of a pestering clamor and waking me up with every one of my flip-flops.
By the time the room filled with light and I sat up seeking a gallon of water to sooth my parched throat, I was relieved to find that the matter blobs had melted away from my perception once again.
I preferred the hallucinations on Thursday night that involved a red 1972 Camaro SS with a black top and its sexy driver. Much less freaky those.
*I have the flu (not to several of you, it turns out my lungs were clear and I do not have pneumonia…yet). It sucks. Maybe I’ll tell you about it some other time. Note that besides the fever, two of my drugs conspire against sleep. One of those also contains a narcotic that gives me weird “dreams.” And a third one gives me the shakes and a clutching sense of anxiety. Not restful. Though I’m told that they are all working to restore the efficiency of oxygen exchange in my lungs so that I can drag my butt out of the recliner long enough to pee and drink water and occasionally brush my teeth and hair.
** Yeah. I know. Everyone can sense matter. Matter is everything. Give me a break, I was hallucinating.

Reader Comments (3)
Sending germ-free hugs, side-effect-free flu drugs, several gallons of water, and a well-regulated body temperature (so as to avoid further energy globule sightings) your way. Also crossing our fingers for the immunity of your partner and the two uninfected Sonars. We love you very much over here in CO, but we hope your friend, the latest and greatest influenza, stays in TX.
*hugs* Reality misses you. I miss you.
A thought:
Channel those freaky dreams into your screenplay???
Trying to look on the wee bright side.
Feel better soon, sweets. The kittens and I are pulling for ya.