Random Tuesday: Vote-o-wrimo Edition

My brain is twitching with my current work-in-progress, so coherence is more than you should expect today.
1. I voted this morning. Did you?
2. My NaNo wordcount is 5,292. Writing goal met for days 1 and 2. Revising goals are waiting…
3. My copy of the royal portrait of Richard II keeps jumping off the wall. Anyone else having that problem?
4. Sonar X10 and his social studies class have been talking about the electoral process in the lead-up to Election Day. Yesterday they discussed the candidates for Texas governor, reading about each one. They made some campaign posters, and today the school will hold a mock gubernatorial election. So awesome. At dinner last night when he was telling us all this, we asked him who he plans to vote for. Bill White was his immediate answer. When asked why, he said there were several things about him that he liked, but if he had to pick one, he liked Bill White’s idea of expanding pre-k programs across the state. We are doing something right.
5. Partner stumbled upon this poem — “The Look” by Sara Teasdale — the other day, which I really love, especially since he tagged it with the phrase “the ache of potential.”
Now, I have some revising to do. Write hard, friends!
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