The Case of the Street Lunch

NaNoWriMo Total Word count: 7764. Revision today: one hour. Goals met.
I heard a rumor that today is National Sandwich Day, so designated because it’s the birthday of John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich. Monty is credited legendarily with creating the modern concept of the Sandwich.
I love sandwiches. For everyday consumption I’m happy with peanut butter and jelly, but from the deli I love a Reuben.
Here’s a sandwich mystery for you.
Monday, I was walking down my street. About halfway down, just before my turn, there was an apple sitting in the middle of the road. A large, red, intact apple. It was just sitting there, upright, as if someone had intentionally placed it in the middle of the street. I thought it was weird, but shrugged and went on.
Tuesday, same time, same place. No sign of the apple, but where the apple had been, there was now a sandwich. Two slices of white bread with something in between. I was in the car this time, and from my vantage point I couldn’t identify the filling. The sandwich was not squished or obviously soiled. It was just sitting there, again, as if someone had intentionally placed it in the middle of the street.
I wouldn’t lie to you.
So what do you think? Will there be a juicebox in the street today? A packet of fruit snacks? Carrot sticks?
The better answer though, would be why these items have appeared in the middle of our street. Who is the instigator of this sandwichy enigma? What is YOUR favorite sandwich?
Reader Comments (1)
I think that's 1) hilarious, and b) probably some photo/videographer doing some kind of "let's see what happens" experiement.
My favorite sandwich is probably the day-after-Thanksgiving turkey special, with stuffing and cranberry sauce. Otherwise, I love me a good MLT; mutton, lettuce and tomato, where the ... nevermind. ;-)
Seriously, meatball subs are almost always full of awesome, my favorite Subway sandwich is the Spicy Italian, and any time I can take the time and make a good sandwich with nice fresh lettuce and tomato, that really makes it. Unfortunately due to time and the fact that it's going to be sitting in a fridge for hours getting soggy before I eat it, I normally don't do the veggies, and my daily at-work special is turkey and cheddar with light mayo on wheat. Always wheat bread. White bread = yuck.